Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2 months, 3 states, and a job later....

I can't apologize enough for not having posted in 2 months, but without regular computer access (or a place to live for roughly 7 of those weeks, either) it was tough to do. Long story short--new job at Sturgis High School--HS English, Varsity Girl's Basketball, (possibly) JV girl's tennis, lots of interesting things in the last 2 months of my life have happened....rather than go back thru them, we will go forward..."Life should be looked at through the windshield, rather than the rear-view mirror"

Will attempt to begin semi-regular posting about life, and specifically the impending RAFFLE DRAFT (2008 team name--Prestige Unlimited) as well as posting about my hoop program (TROJAN PRIDE!!!)


Miss Riley loves blogging said...

yes...I know you have lots to say-I have been listening to it for the last 3 weeks!

Helly said...

Miss Riley, can you start a blog about Beebe's blog? I'm seriously very interested in what you'd have to say...