Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5-28 Love List

#9--Kevin Smith movies not named "Jersey Girl"
#8--Seinfeld episodes
#7--Sam Cassell. Odd, but he deserves to be on this list, since he is usually the Pistons' best player when he is on the floor. As stated previously, Eddie House only looked good in the last series because the Cavs bench was THAT BAD.
#6--Cram Max. I love this guy. So angry, and so fun to watch
#5--Getting 18 holes in on a 74 degree May afternoon
#4--Mr. Herbert, the old guy on "Family Guy". Hey there muscly-arm, you wanna come down to the basement? I got a bunch of popsicles down there. MMMMMMMMMMMM.
#3--Stuckey. He needs to play at least 20 minutes a game here on out. Anything less is inexcusable
#2--Mall Chinese food.
#1--Billups gutting it out for the good of the franchise. Here's hoping the Pistons can do some voodoo magic on his hammy and squeeze aboot 16 points and 10 assists out of it for a win tonite. I'm still sticking to my original prediction--Pistons in 6.

1 comment:

Helly said...

I just figured out who Mr. Herbert sounds like. You know who it is.