Wednesday, August 6, 2008

8-6 Love List

10-2009 NCAA College Football. Although a tad bit easy recruiting-wise, it is still fun to build up crappy programs.
9-Michael Curry calling Rodney Stuckey the Pistons "6th starter" yesterday. Although Helly pointed out that, if he did begin games with 6 starters it would likely result in an automatic technical foul, I do enjoy hearing Stuckey's name being mentioned as a starter....fingers crossed a move is made at some point this season.
8-Glasses of wine in the summer
6-Cubs fans. Simply because this has happened nearly every year this decade about this time, where they suddenly burst forward from everywhere proclaiming their love of the Cubs as well as how they will win the World Series. Well, even in an incredibly watered-down National League, they may have the best roster, but they are relying on Kerry Wood, Rich Harden, Derrick Lee, and Alfonso Soriano to carry them...all of whom have, in the past 3 years, suffered a myriad of injuries keeping them frequently inactive.
5-Calls from Al between 3:18 and 4:41 in the afternoon with his HUGE update.
4-Chocolate milk
3-Wedding Crashers
2-Fountain Coke
1-Fantasy Football, GD I love it


Flem said...

Another Love List? Is that all you got? C'mon, Kid!

Helly said...

Solid list, Beebs, but it's a bit bare for your first blog in months. As your editor in chief, what I need you to do is take this entry and explore the space with it. I mean it. Explore. The space. Give me 10,000 words on Rodney Stuckey by 3 PM and then we're talking.